Monday, January 19, 2009


I am so stinkin' excited! Today at the gym, I jogged for 30 minutes straight on the treadmill. I was going at a speed of 4.5 mph. I have never done that before, especially since I broke my ankle, jogging has been really difficult for me. But today, I pushed myself and I did it! I usually have to jog at a higher speed for a couple of minutes then drop the speed to walk fast to catch my breath. But I just took it minute by minute today and made it all the way. I feel so good that I pushed myself that far. Thanks for listening.


Diane said...

And, I am so stinkin proud of you! You ARE my favorite niece, you know! You go girl! Livin the dream!!!!!

The Raggedy Girl said...

Yipee! Good for you.
Roberta Anne

Jackie Miller said...

Great job! Does is remind you of jogging around the track at 5 a.m. at TM? Probably not. I think what you just did is much harder. :)

snowflakes said...

Ahh...those crazy track runs. Hmmm...though now I know how to appreciate the track, I kinda wish for it again. How are you, Jacks?