Sunday, January 11, 2009

Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed

That is the name of the Bible Study I have started. The church we have attended a few times here is holding this Bible study for women on Thursday nights and I am planning to attend. I say planning because yesterday I committed to it and this morning I realized that Brian will be leaving in a couple of weeks and will be gone for a month so I will have to find someone to watch the kiddos in order for me to attend. I know the Lord will provide this, however. I have missed the first meeting of the group but I got the materials so I could do my "homework" before the next meeting. Wow! I have only done day one and already I am hooked. So, pray that the Lord provides a cost effective solution for me. Also, pray for me while Brian is away. I have made no secret of my struggles as a mother and this will be one GIGANTIC test of my patience. So, I need a sitter on Thursday evenings from 6:30 until probably 8:30, any takers?


Diane said...

The Bible study sounds wonderful Katie! I'm so happy that you're going to be participating in it. I wish I could volunteer for the baby sitting job! Would be my complete pleasure to do so! Where is Brian going? Does this have to do the Guard? Praying for you sweetie. I know the Lord will provide!

snowflakes said...

Thanks for the volunteering, even if it isn't possible for you to do it. Brian has to get his EMT-B recertification. His license has expired so he has to get that taken care of so he qualifies for his MOS.

The Raggedy Girl said...

It sounds wonderful and I will pray you find a way to attend.
Roberta Anne

snowflakes said...

Thanks! It is by three fantastic women of God, Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, and Kay Arthur (I think those are the spellings), and it is a study about David. I know the Lord will provide a way.