Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Pics

Posing with Ms. Brenda, our neighbor. They are all pretty fond of each other.

Caught in the act!

My Little Trick-or-Treaters

Jaden's bat was under the tire so Brian let him crank it so they could back it up.

I took this fabulous pic of Alix (awful of me, but I posted it anyway, I expect some kudos for that).

Ms. Montanna takes time to pose for me.
Brian was with us, the whole time, I just didn't happen to get any pics of him. Sorry.

Happy Halloween!

How many of us as parents have had the battle within ourselves about Halloween? Some of you may not know what I am talking about because for you, as a child, Halloween was always a big night to get to go trick-or-treating, no questions asked. However, there are some, like me, who had parents that, out of love and a deep desire for our spiritual well-being, battled this holiday every year. I have had my own battles with Halloween since becoming a parent. I am well aware that there is a long history of "evil" associated with this night. I am also aware that there is a long history of "evil" associated with Easter and Christmas. However, that is not the spirit in which I celebrate Easter or Christmas, nor is it the spirit in which I celebrate Halloween. So, yes, we do the get dressed up in cool costumes, go for a walk in the neighborhood (in what was FABULOUS weather tonight), trick-or-treating thing. My kids know they cannot choose costumes that are scary. I have to say, I no longer have a battle with it. I so enjoy taking the kids. We had so much fun tonight. Plus, we got lots of exercise. I think we walked approximately four miles, round trip. Our kids are troopers. It was great! The weather was awesome, we didn't even need jackets, just a couple of thin layers. This was a fact that thrilled the kids since it meant Hannah Montanna and The Flash would not have to conceal their identities. It was a near perfect night. I will post some pics of the costumes, the trick-or-treating, the loot and the crash after. Won't be long. So, Happy Halloween! I hope you all had as good a time as I did.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's Too Early!

So much for not sticking. It isn't much, but I wonder what it will look like in the morning. These pics aren't great because I waited until it was almost dark before I thought about snapping them. It has pretty much snowed all day except for that one bit where it was really sunny for about an hour or two. Happy Halloween, Iowa!

Pictures and Snow

Dafne and Izzy wanted Jaden to feel better.
Just posting some pictures and trying for a video. Not much to say at the moment except we are so thankful that Brian made it home safely. Oh and also, it snowed today. It snowed really hard and thick for about 30 minutes or so and then it stopped and the sun came out. Weird. Anyway, enjoy the pics.

P.S. As I wrote this, it began snowing again, but I think it has stopped now. What the heck? It isn't even November yet. At least it isn't sticking.

Check out how awesome my kiddos are on the balance beam.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What a Great Day!

What a great day we had today! First we took J-man to his hockey practice, which again, is super fun to watch. Then Jaden had a play date with one of his new BFFs (he would kill me if he knew I called it that), Jahmen. This gave Alix and I the opportunity to have a girl's day which was so much fun. She was able to spend her birthday money and get some new earrings and other fun girlie stuff. Then, I splurged, I know we are in a tough financial spot right now, but I felt that Alix and I needed this so we had pedicures. It was her first "spa" pedicure and she loved it! Of course, so did I. I did take the camera, however, Alix and I were too relaxed to be able to take pictures. So, sorry you guys miss out. Just know we had a BLAST!!! She kept saying, "oh, this is such a good day Mommy!", "thank you for letting us have a girl's day, Mommy!" It was great! Now, we are going to have some dinner and then head to the YMCA for their Halloween party. Should be lots of fun.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Well Jaden is feeling much better this morning. Feels like he still has a slight temp, but he woke up with quite an appetite. We are resting now as I went to bed really late worrying about him. But, I think we are going to have a better day.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh Man!

My poor little man Jaden is a sick little boy. When I picked him up from the Y Daycamp today he wasn't feeling well which turned into a full blown, 103 degree fever by 7:30pm. He has pretty much slept since then, but this definitely interfered with our plans to do the Halloween Hike at the Nature Center. It was so sad, b/c we thought we were going to be able to make it so Alix went ahead and got into her costume, even with triple layers creatively hidden so that she wouldn't have to wear a jacket over her costume. She looked so adorable. I just broke down into tears and told her we weren't going to be able to go. Oh she handled it so gracefully. She just sat there, let two lonely tears fall down her cheeks then hugged me. I was so very proud of her. I really hate that she had to miss it. Ugh, the joys of "single parenting" during the weeks it is the Army's turn to have my husband; who, by the way, is completely exhausted as his accomodations this week leave much to be desired. Well, he will be home on Sunday, we are all very excited!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So much going on, not sure how much to share. Let me just say that I am having a rough time at the moment. Life is full of ugliness and troubles and sometimes I just want to crawl under the covers and not come out yet, or again. Please don't call me worrying that I am suicidal, that is not what I mean. What I mean is I am really stinking tired of responsibility. I know you aren't supposed to say things like that, but come on, surely all adults feel that at some point. If you say you don't, I think you are lying. I think I am nearing my breaking point. Something has got to give. SIGH.......ok, thanks for letting me vent. On another note, I took Jaden to hockey practice tonight. It is so much fun to watch him out there on the ice. Very cool! Also, I turned in Brian and my voter registrations today. I know, I know, we have lived here a year now, it should have already been done. Oh well, the past is the past. So now I can vote in the upcoming election. Not that I feel there is a good choice to really vote for. But I am excited to exercise my citizen priviledge/right to vote. Shifting gears, I have no new pictures to add today. I will likely have some to post after the weekend.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lovin' the New Schedule

So this is only the first day of my new schedule, but I have to say, I am loving it! It was so nice not to have to rush through my lunch break to get the kids from school to daycare and back to work for me. I loved it! On another note, I heard some disturbing news this morning. On the weather they said that we could receive a wintery mix tonight. Which means it could be icy or snowy when I wake up in the morning. What the heck? It is only October. Also, some are predicting a much harder winter this year than last. The really bad part of that is that everyone here said that last winter was the worst winter North Central Iowa had seen in 7-12 years. I have to level with you, I wasn't sure it could get much worse or much bitter than last year. Hmm...I am definitely not looking forward to that. Anyone looking for a position as a full-time driveway shoveler with no pay?

Monday, October 20, 2008


Today was Alix's 8th birthday! I almost cannot believe it. How is it that as parents, we sometimes find ourselves saying, "AHHHH....will this phase ever end? When will they outgrow this?" only to turn around and find that your little baby isn't so little anymore? I can't believe how quickly the years go by. Sure, there are times when it feels like you are standing still. But when you look at the whole picture, you see that the time we have with our children is very short. My dear Alix, who can either bring out the worst or the best in me, for her birthday dinner chose to make one of her "recipes" for us. So she made us mini pizzas on english muffins. And, they were delicious. I love that little girl! I pray that my trying to find my way as a parent hasn't completely screwed my children up for life. Here are some pics from today. Some with my kiddos and the neighbor girls playing in our leaf pile. And one of the mini pizzas, pre-baking.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Near Perfect Day

Today was one of those ALMOST perfect days. It was great! Brian was off because he is leaving around 2am for his Army AT for one week. That part is sad, but the fact that we had today off together just before he left was great! We got a lot accomplished as a family today, both in chores and in quality time. We all got to sleep in, at least sleeping in for us. We did dishes, raked leaves, cleaned up rooms, carved pumpkins, and baked cupcakes for Alix's class tomorrow for her birthday. Also, Brian took the kids ice skating and let me have some me time. Then I headed up to the Arena to watch Alix in her figure skating lesson. (Of course we all I know I did not get on the ice. Me, ice, and ice skates, I have learned, is DEFINITELY not a good combination). The kids had a blast. They love to ice skate. So does Brian. I am going to try to post some pics and videos from today. We will see how that goes. Oh, also, last night we made Jaden a hockey jersey. We just got some iron on patches from Hobby Lobby and it turned out pretty great. Ahhh...I love when there are good days like these. Thank you Lord!

p.s. I wanted to put clever comments in by the pics, but that isn't working for me. But you should know that the pic with Brian and Jaden both in helmets is where they are making their mean faces. Also, sorry they are not in order. It is getting late and I don't have the patience to mess with it anymore.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Praying for A Difference

About a month ago, I told my boss that I desperately needed to change to a part-time status and no longer work on Saturdays. Surprisingly, he approved with no hesitation saying just give them time to do what they needed to do as far as hiring another full-timer first. I didn't think it would ever happen. But today, he gave me the go ahead to begin my new schedule. I am so excited! I need this badly. I am praying that having the extra time at home will help me not to feel so overwhelmed and stretched so thin. I hope it will help me to remember that my children are a blessing from the Lord rather than something to be tolerated. I yearn for more joy in this stage of my life because right now it feels more like a burden or a curse. I know that is wrong, but it is honest. I know this is a step in the right direction, even though it does leave me wondering how we will survive as it is tight with me working full-time now. But, I know that God is faithful. Also, I know that the time we have together as a family is needed, even at the cost of less income. I cannot wait for next Saturday when I get to be off from work!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I experienced something very different today. My 7 year old couldn't get enough of doing the dishes. WOW! That is like one of the craziest things that has ever happened to me. I know it sounds simple enough, but anyone that has a seven year old, or has met mine, knows that is CRAZY!!! Anyway, it is cooling down here now. Fall is beginning to give way into Winter and it is a bit sad. I love the Fall, it is just so beautiful. But Winter, Winter makes me sad. Oh well, you must have Winter to appreciate Spring, right?

Monday, October 13, 2008

My First Blog

We have now fully joined the media age. We have a blog. I make no promises such as "Dear Diary, I promise to write in you everyday" because I know that I am just not that dedicated to anything. What I do promise is to log on as often as I remember and keep you posted on the happenings of our lives here in Mason City, Iowa. Also, I promise to be blatantly honest, even when I fear judgement because I do not want to be fake. Also because I know the love of God covers a multitude of sins and words of support and encouragement from Brothers and Sisters in the Lord are more "spot on" when the whole story is told. Ok, so maybe this is a bit heavy for a Monday morning. But Mondays are my days to think because I don't have to go to work. I love Mondays! Here's to blogging!